
Letter from the HRC Chair (Q3)

By Karl W. Stumpf FAIA posted 09-19-2016 04:51 PM


By Karl W. Stumpf, AIA | AIA 2016 Historic Resources Committee Chair

Karl_Stumpf_headshot.jpgAbout four years ago during our monthly HRC conference call, Peyton Hall, FAIA talked to the group about an idea he had to partner with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation for an education colloquium focused on issues preservation architects face in practice. Peyton’s diligent work over the past four years to establish and continue this HRC sponsored event continues in early 2017 with the 4th Taliesin Colloquium on February 10-12, 2017 at Taliesin West. A link to receive further information is included in this newsletter.

This year’s topic: A New Paradigm for Architecture: The Convergence of Preservation, Environment, and Design is a departure from the first three Colloquium, which were focused on tools and techniques used by preservation architect. This Colloquium will explore; through presentations, case studies and group discussions; new ways of thinking about what preservation architects can bring to all buildings, regardless of age and what we need to be doing now to ensure we have a legacy of significant buildings that will live on for many generations.

Owners and architects are reinventing the use of all types and ages of buildings at an increasing rate. This is especially true for building constructed in the recent past. Current practice has blurred the lines among new design, resource conservation, and heritage conservation in the design and use of buildings throughout their life.
This year’s Colloquium topic has been developed for a broad range of design professions. We look forward to participation from variety of practitioners and others responsible for the stewardship of the built environment for a lively discussion about this issue and the future of how we design and manage all built resources.

Thank you, Peyton, for all of your work on starting and growing the Colloquium over the years. We look forward to another great event in February and hope to see many of you at Taliesin.

Karl W. Stumpf, AIA | 2016 Chair, AIA Historic Resources Committee