Practice Management Member Conversations

  • 1.  RE:file storage for easy access

    Posted 11-16-2011 08:32 AM
    Be careful about creating too complex of a structure.  The more involved / complicated something is, the less intuitive it will be and the less likely people will be to use it properly.  I took a very quick look at the excerpt from the Handbook, and recoiled at the 8 digit numbering system.  We have a system that we set up 12-15 years ago that has stood up pretty well:
    • Bidding
    • Billing
    • Budget & Schedule
    • Construction Admininistration
    • Corres
    • Dwg
    • Feasbility Study / Master Plan
    • Interios & Finishes
    • Landscape
    • LEED
    • Meeting Minutes
    • Photos
    • Presentations
    • Programming
    • Record Sets
    • Renderings
    • Research
    • Specifications
    These, of course, have their own sub-directory structures, but, in general, we try to keep the folder list under a dozen or so, to keep it from being overwhelming.

    For file names, for better or worse, we don't prefix a file name with the project number.  For anything that was sent out, serves as a record, or has versions, however, we do prefix the file names with the date, in YYYY-MM-DD format, followed by a description of the file.  This helps keep the files sorted chronologically (even if somebody opens and resaves the file later).

    As with any system, there are still times when somebody puts a file in a place that is logical to them, but not to others, but somehow in an office of 25 people we make it work.  The only things that I try to be on top of people about are 1) the dates in front of record files and 2) putting complete / compiled PDFs in the Record Set folders of any "milestones", such as pricing sets, permit sets, drawings for approval, or anything that I may get a call about from a client, municipal official, or the like saying, "I'm looking at this file you sent me, and I have a question." 

    I hope this helps.

    John Cluver AIA
    Voith & Mactavish Architects
    Philadelphia PA

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