Custom Residential Architects Network

  • 1.  Architects Add Value to Home Design (in general)

    Posted 08-24-2012 11:25 AM
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussion Forums: Housing Knowledge Community and Custom Residential Architects Network .
    Architects Add Value to Home Design (in general).
    I used to think that ALL of us licensed architects who mainly practice residential architecture would agree with that statement.  I took it for granted.  Otherwise: what the heck are we doing?  I have had some recent communications with other primarily residential architects that lead me to believe that we are not united in this belief.  I repeat: if you do not believe, in general, that having an architect design a home adds value to that home, then why are you here in this forum?  Why are you yourself practicing residential architecture?  Don't you believe that YOU add value to your clients' residential projects?  Or are some of us just so focused on what We are doing that we do not have sufficient room in our minds and hearts to believe that Other architects add value to their clients' projects? 

    This may sound like a little thing.  It is not.  If we, as supposedly the leaders of American Residential Architecture today (yeah, that's what we are supposed to be), cannot agree that nearly all of us add value to our clients' projects, then how are we ever going to convince new potential clients to hire us to design something for them? And if we cannot unite to firmly say: LICENSED ARCHITECTS ADD VALUE TO RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS, how do we expect to survive?  If we cannot put forth the simple message that what we ALL do, collectively matters and improves people's lives in so many wonderful ways, we deserve to have other, less educated, unlicensed, less skilled, less experienced people with no licenses take the food from our tables and pass us by.

    I am not talking about the occasional freakshow!  I am talking about the majority of us and what we do, day in and day out, making clients happy.  I am simply trying to see if we, as concerned, practicing licensed residential architects can even agree on such a simple thing.

    Do we really want to behave like the US Congress and Senate?  Bickering amongst ourselves, full of "sound and fury, but signifying nothing"? And not being able to agree on anything, even the most simple of premises, that I had always taken for granted: that what we do matters?  That we do improves people's lives in what we design?  That, dammit all, we do add value

    Now then: let's see what we all have to say.  Let's see the varying opinions.  I hope to be amazed that we can agree on this one fundamental thing.  I have enough room in my heart to let the miracle happen, but I am also experienced enough to not hold my breath.  Let the games begin...

    Rand Soellner AIA
    Rand Soellner Architect
    Cashiers NC

  • 2.  RE:Architects Add Value to Home Design (in general)

    Posted 08-27-2012 12:03 PM
    There have been several thoughtful replies to this post above.  Unfortunately, these well-worded comments have come directly to me. Please REPLY TO DISCUSSION FORUM to see your comments posted in this thread.  Thank you. 

    Rand Soellner AIA
    Rand Soellner Architect
    Cashiers NC

  • 3.  RE:Architects Add Value to Home Design (in general)

    Posted 08-28-2012 04:23 PM
    I had a direct experience today that is a great example on the value of an architect.  We were getting a tour of a new home by a potential general contractor.   The home had been designed by a residential designer.   Upon several occasions the builder mentioned that key information and detail were not provided by this designer, their response was it is your responsibility.   This was a stucco home and due to the price point it was going to have be over a woodframe.  In our hot humid environment, we all know how careful the builder has to be to keep unwanted moisture from entering the building envelope.  The builder said that every architect he has worked with was as concerned on the envelope as he was.  He also said he would not have to correct simple design flaws such as window sills being below cabinetry, etc.   This is a real world example that we need to promote.  We have a local CRAN group in Charleston SC and we are going to use quotations from this contractor in one of our CRAN ads to promote the value of architect.   This is what we need to promote in lieu of architects patting ourselves on the back we can have clients and builders and other professionals we work with help us promote our value.

    Christopher Rose AIA, ASID
    Christopher Rose Architects, P.A.
    Johns Island SC


  • 4.  RE:Architects Add Value to Home Design (in general)

    Posted 08-29-2012 11:53 AM
    "We have a local CRAN group in Charleston SC and we are going to use quotations from this contractor in one of our CRAN ads to promote the value of architect."

    Chris, Will you share those ads with this forum when they are ready?

    Kathleen Simpson
    The American Institute of Architects
    Washington DC

  • 5.  RE:Architects Add Value to Home Design (in general)

    Posted 08-29-2012 12:08 PM

    Thank you Christopher.  That helps everyone: AIA Main, AIA CRAN, your local Chapter and the public.
    This is the kind of input licensed residential architects need right now. 
    A builder, dissecting the problems of NOT having an architect on the project. 
    Just what the doctor ordered. 
    Not us, beating our chests, but the people out there in the world who build homes, requesting our participation.  Excellent.

    Many thanks!  Christopher Rose for AIA President. 

    Rand Soellner AIA
    Home Architects
    Cashiers NC

  • 6.  RE:Architects Add Value to Home Design (in general)

    Posted 08-29-2012 12:14 PM
    A discussion is ongoing at the Practice Management discussion forum, titled "Educate potential clients how to work with an architect" that you might find interesting/helpful. 

    For reference, here's a snippet from recent posts with resources architects can use to inform clients about the value of architects on a project:

    "The brochure, "You and Your Architect", chronicles the process of working with an architect. Hard copies are accompanied by a DVD program with Sarah Susanka, FAIA. This is an inventoried item at Balmar. A local component can certainly order copies of the brochure from Balmar (order form, see item N802). Brochures are free, except for shipping

    You may also visit the How Design Works micro-site, A .pdf version of the "You" brochure can be downloaded from the "AIA Tools for You" tab on the site. (By the way, this entire site is intended for members to use with prospective clients.)


    For reference here is a direct link to the PDF:

    Web based version is here: But that was in a pre-web-obsessed-world. So, perhaps pulling some of that detail from the PDF onto the web pages would improve the experience.


    Supplemental Architectural Services 

    AIA Best Practices - Chapter 11 Project Services 

     3a. On this FAQ page the follow Q&A are provided. Do you deem this (content-wise) an effective answer? If not, can you provide some specific thoughts on what would be needed? 

    6. Don't architects add substantial cost to a project?
    While it's true that architects' fees are an additional project cost, hiring an architect can actually save you money in many ways. Architects can monitor your budget and negotiate to get the best materials and workmanship at a good price. An architect's design can reduce energy and maintenance costs. They can turn a difficult lot into a successful building site. And they spend time planning and fully developing your ideas to avoid changes once construction is underway. 

    Ann Harris
    The American Institute of Architects
    Washington DC

  • 7.  RE:Architects Add Value to Home Design (in general)

    Posted 08-29-2012 12:26 PM
    Thank you, Ann for helping to coordinate things; it is appreciated.

    Rand Soellner AIA
    Home Architects
    Cashiers NC