
2673 Entries
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2022 Education Facility Design Awards Project Profiles: Blakely Elementary and the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex at Northeastern University

Blakely Elementary ...

one year ago
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The Right to Housing: Density and Just Development of Housing for Expanding Urban Populations
Speakers will explore the challenges to achieving principled just development of affordable ...

one year ago
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UN Habitat’s 11th World Urban Forum Addresses the Right to Housing

Participants in UN Habitat’s 11th World Urban Forum Addresses the Right to Housing will discuss the UN Habitat ...

one year ago
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Housing Insecurity in Mississippi
Housing insecurity in the United States and across the world is on the rise. Architects are in a critical position to advocate and promote solutions ...

one year ago
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Designing for Resilience through Social Infrastructure
Social infrastructure – a term that has come to include parks, plazas, restaurants, retail lobbies, and many other kinds of social ...

one year ago
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How Architecture Can Combat Loneliness
In a time of hyper connection and communication, many of us report feeling lonely and detached, and there is strong evidence that this has a ...

one year ago
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Scattered Sites: Seeking Housing Justice  
A continuation of an exploration of Baltimore’s hyper-segregated housing market, specifically public  housing and the subsequent impact on ...

one year ago
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Some real talk: 

Most firms are NOT signatories (1,200+ of 19,000+ are). 
Two-thirds of signatories do NOT have a Sustainable Action Plan.
Most signatories do NOT report ...

one year ago
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