Design of the Times: Prospect Desires Have Evolved. Have We?

03-20-2023 12:34 PM

Design of the Times: Prospect Desires Have Evolved. Have We?

Hosted by the Design for Aging Knowledge Community on March 20, 2023. 


As consumer wants for health, safety, and wellness continue to evolve, learn how designing senior housing continues to change to meet new market demands. You’ll learn more specifically about the types of amenities considered both desirable and essential to prospects. Plus, you’ll be better equipped to have strategic conversations with owners and providers as you design your next community.

Learning objectives

  • Have a better understanding of key differences between the “Silent” and “Boomer” generations and the impact on design.
  •  Learn how building design has changed to cater to a new set of wants from senior housing prospects.
  •  Learn how programming at communities has changed and its impact on designing more usable common areas to promote wellness.
  •  Understand the shift from designing rooms to residents’ homes.


Hoyle Koontz

As a catalyst, a conceiver, and a creator, Hoyle has 25 years of marketing and communications experience, entrepreneurship, and product development expertise. Much of his career has focused on digital imaging technologies and product development for sales, marketing, and communications within senior living, hospitality, real estate, healthcare, and higher education. Hoyle’s entrepreneurial efforts involve growing start-up companies; developing and innovating digital technologies, products, and platforms; building teams to deliver impressive results; and working alongside clients to solve important business problems. Hoyle’s second company was acquired in 2017 by a large national marketing agency focused on senior living. Now involved in his third start-up company called The Vectre, his partners and he have built a new platform called YourTour. The platform is built specifically for senior living communities to evolve sales efforts, to better showcase the community, and to personalize the sales process for each prospect. 



Bryon Cohron

ProMatura has been an international leader in market research for more than 35 years and has clients across the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. Bryon joined ProMatura in October 2003 and has been involved in countless feasibility studies. In the process, he has evaluated thousands of age-qualified properties. His studies have been used to develop, acquire, and improve communities throughout the sector, which account for billions of dollars of investment.

Bryon collects and analyzes economic, demographic, and industry data that describes or impacts the housing market. His areas of expertise include financial feasibility, market demand analysis, site analysis, product research, product and community design, marketing and sales consulting, and database management.

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