S E L E C T I O N AIA members serving on the Corporate Architects and Facility Management Scholarship Advisory Group will select the recipients on the basis of academic performance, the recommendation letter, portfolio work and the essay
2015 CAFM Complete Scholarship Application.pdf
2014 BIM Award Program Category: Exemplary use of BIM in Facility Management |Operations Honorable Mention Rehabilitation Hospital Carolinas HealthCare System with FreemanWhite Jury Comments: For using BIM to proactively analyze operational efficiency within the facility by the user
Hon. Mention - Rehabilitation Hospital.pdf
D E A D L I N E S The application and all accompanying information, including transcripts, student portfolio and letter of recommendation must be submitted on CD in pdf format, postmarked by March 22, 2013, and mailed to: Corporate Architects and Facility Management (CAFM) Scholarship Brett Rosenberg, Knowledge Communities Corporate Architects and Facility Management Scholarship The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006-5292 S E L E C T I O N The AIA members serving on the Corporate Architects and Facility Management Scholarship Advisory Group will select the recipients on the basis of academic performance, the recommendation letter, portfolio work and the essay
CAFM Scholarship Application 2013 FINAL pdf - Adobe Reader.pdf
This April 13, 2012 webinar addressed the following technology topics: Building Information Modeling (BIM), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie), Facility Management and Operations, Web Services, BIG Data #ProjectDeliveryKnowledgeCommunity #gis #Presentations #cobie #Webinars #TechnologyinArchitecturalPractice #tap #BIM
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As we move increasingly toward market-viable net-zero buildings with initiatives like ASHRAE Vision 2020 and the AIA 2030 Commitment, we must reevaluate how typical building components affect a facilityโs energy efficiency. Energy savings and thermal comfort gained from an increase in air...
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Scholarship essay by one of the two awardees of the 2015 AIA CAFM Scholarship. #BenjaminHalpern #scholarship #cafm #CAFM2015 #Research #CorporateArchitectsandFacilityManagement
Scholarship essay by one of the two awardees of the 2015 AIA CAFM Scholarship. #cafm #CorporateArchitectsandFacilityManagement #CAFM2015 #scholarship #TylerSilvers #Research
Silvers, Tyler_CAFM Essay_2015-02-26.pdf
2012 CAFM Scholarship Application (revised) #application #scholarship #cafm #CorporateArchitectsandFacilityManagement #Reports/Essays #SpecialProjects
CAFM Scholarship Instructions+Application 20121.pdf
AIA CES: 1.5 LU When: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Where: At The Center Case Study Presentations and a Panel Discussion Global Branding = design + communication + strategy + cultural navigation As architects building for global brands we are asked to articulate brand...
09-30-2013 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET
Thursday, November 5, 1-2:15PM (EST) Earn 1.25 AIA/HSW LUs (No Fee) This session will explain how architects & facility managers can use the deep energy retrofit approach to broaden their portfolio to include retrofit projects on a wide scale of building types and sizes. To...
AIA CAFM Webinar DER.pdf
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