Public Architects Committee

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The Public Architects (PA) Committee promotes excellence in public architecture and enhances the role of the public architect as an essential element in the planning, design, construction, and management of public facilities. Join us!


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  • 1.  Help For Bricks n' Mortar

    Posted 04-10-2017 01:16 PM
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    The simplicity of Ecommerce obviously affects bricks n' mortar, yet so does comfort.  Per Wikipedia, up to 14.4% of the population (46 million Americans) has shy bladder syndrome – Paruresis - who try to avoid buildings that have gang restrooms where possible.  Planning a day around locations that only have single-occupancy restrooms is often the case.  

    Why be in a retail store, restaurant, theater, office building, etc. while unable to urinate during that time?  What purpose are gang restrooms when so many people are 'turned-off' by them?   

    Employment, commerce, productivity, safety and well being are being compromised in a major way.  I proposed the latest International Plumbing Code change for this reason and more.   

    2018 International Plumbing Code 403.1.2 (mirrors to the International Building Code IBC 2902.1.2) 

    Single-occupancy toilet facility and bathing room fixtures.

    The plumbing fixtures located in single-occupancy toilet facilities and bathing rooms, including family or assisted-use toilet and bathing rooms that are required by Section 1109.2.1 of the International Building Code, shall contribute towards the total number of required plumbing fixtures for a building or tenant space. Single-occupancy toilet facilities and bathing rooms, and family or assisted-use toilet and bathing rooms shall be identified for use by either sex.

    Variances, modifications and state code committees can approve this code in advance.  

    See attached drawing for examples.  The additional cost for these single- occupancies over gang is around 6%.  Energy savings pays this back by reducing a new building size by the saved square footage.

    Bruce Pitts
    A&E HVAC Mechanical Engineering
    Aiken SC
