Design for Energy

When:  Oct 21, 2021 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (ET)

Design for Energy

AIA Continuing Education Units: 1.0 LU/HSW | $0

Of all the project attributes characterized in the AIA Framework for Design Excellence, ‘Design for Energy’ may be the easiest to measure (while still challenging to achieve). Given that educational facilities are all about our commitment to a better future, educational clients are especially interested in having their facilities be part of the solution to climate change rather than part of the problem. But in a world of constrained budgets and accelerating schedules, how can designers best move their projects towards a carbon-neutral future?

This session will lay out a range of approaches design teams can apply to their projects, from simple rules-of-thumb that can be applied to every project to deep-dive analytical tools appropriate for the most challenging specialty projects—science labs. There will be data. There will be case studies. There will be laughs.

Program Learning Objectives:

● Participants will learn about high-performance science labs and the spectrum of custom vs. standard kit of parts approaches

● Participants will learn about how to measure project & energy performance goals

● Participants will learn how to develop simple tools to check their progress and how to measure progress with numbers that clients can understand

● Participants will learn a comparative review of energy & performance focusing on the Science Centers at Amherst College & Lafayette College

Program Knowledge Level: Intermediate


Z Smith, FAIA, LEED Fellow, WELL AP, Fitwel & Living Building Ambassador

Z is Principal and Director of Sustainability and Building Performance at EskewDumezRipple, winner of the 2014 AIA Firm Award. His built work includes academic, laboratory, and net-zero residential buildings, including winners of the RAIC Green Building Award and the AIA COTE Top Ten. He brings training and experience in physics and engineering to the field of architecture, is named as an inventor on 10 patents, and author on over 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications. He has served as the North American representative to the International Union of Architects

Sustainable Development Commission, has taught at the Tulane School of Architecture and has served on the National Advisory Group of the AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE).

Mark Oldham, AIA LEED AP

Mark joined Payette in 2014. Previously, he was an Associate Principal at William Rawn Associates (WRA) in Boston and spent ten years leading a variety of projects in the academic and civic realms. Mark brings a generalist’s architectural voice to Payette and possesses an interest in clarity and simplicity in the architectural expression of our ideas. He believes that delivering inspired architecture requires a complex and ever-expanding collection of voices with each one essential to the craft. Mark believes in our role as stewards of that collective intelligence and in our responsibility to focus those voices into coherent and exquisite statements.

Andrea Love, AIA LEED Fellow

Andrea is a Principal and the Director of Building Science at Payette, the 2019 AIA Firm Award recipient for their work fusing design and building performance, and has worked on five recent COTE Top Ten Award-winning projects. At Payette, she integrates building performance into all of their work and leads their internal research efforts. She was the Principal Investigator on the AIA Upjohn Grant research grant focused on thermal bridging and lead the development of Payette’s Glazing and Winter Comfort tool. She is a Lecturer at MIT and Harvard on building performance, and has her BArch from Carnegie Mellon and a Masters in Building Technology from MIT where she was the recipient of the Tucker-Voss Award. She was recently on AIA COTE Advisory Group, a past chair of the AIA 2030 Working Group, past chair of the USGBC Massachusetts, and currently serves as on the board of the Boston Society of Architects. She was a 2017 recipient of the AIA Young Architect Award and is a LEED Fellow.