Public Architects Committee

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  • 1.  Updating GSA's P100

    Posted 08-03-2023 02:29 PM
    As many architects on this list design GSA buildings and have intimate knowledge of P100, I would like to invite you to provide updates for the next version to be released in 2024.  GSA is the owner of 9 AIA COTE Top Ten Awarded buildings and would like to continue to push sustainable performance for an inventory that we expect to own for over 100+ years.  

    P100 is GSA's Facilities Standards and is used to set the performance and prescriptive requirements for GSA's owned inventory and certain lease-construct projects.  

    Please find attached the  P100 Change Proposal Form.  

    From August 1 through October 1, the form will be active and allow users to propose changes to the latest edition of P100 found at


    You may direct questions to 




    Lance Davis, FAIA, LEED Fellow, MSU Fellow
    Sustainability Architect & P100 Program Manager
    U.S. General Services Administration
    C  202-821-6482
    Center for Engineering logo_May23.jpg

    Lance Davis FAIA
    GSA - Office of Design & Construction
    Edgewater MD

  • 2.  RE: Updating GSA's P100

    Posted 08-03-2023 04:46 PM

    Although I do not design buildings for the GSA, I found the updated P100 standards for concrete LCA really interesting to read as a summary of best practices and a resource for LCA tools.  Thank you for sharing! 

    Ludmilla Pavlova-Gillham AIA
    University of Massachusetts
    Amherst MA