Small Project Design

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  • 1.  Tennesse general contractors

    Posted 07-30-2024 09:47 AM

    We are an Illinois firm that has designed a vaction home for clients in Tracy City, Tennessee. The owners are having a hard time finding custom residential contractors in the Chatanooga/Tracy City area. Does anyone have any recommendations I can share with our client? Thanks!

    Thomas Ahleman AIA
    Studio Talo Architecture, Inc.
    Evanston IL

  • 2.  RE: Tennesse general contractors

    Posted 07-31-2024 07:20 PM


    I am an Architect in Chattanooga and certainly have some recommendations for GC in the area. I have a couple of questions about the scope of work and project goals to tailor my recommendations better. 

    Is there away to connect one-on-one via this platform?

    Aaron Cole AIA
    Open Architecture Practice
    Chattanooga TN