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ASHRAE 90.1 Envelope Subcommittee Survey - Architect Input Requested! - Due Back September 5

  • 1.  ASHRAE 90.1 Envelope Subcommittee Survey - Architect Input Requested! - Due Back September 5

    Posted 08-30-2023 06:30 AM

    Dear Architects,


    As part of the ASHRAE 90.1 Envelope Sub-Committee, we are seeking feedback to our questionnaire regarding the use of exterior insulation and what design modifications you've experienced as a result.  

    We would greatly appreciate it if you could spend 5-10 minutes and provide us with your input and complete the survey by the end of the day on Tuesday September 5th.   


    To participate, please use the following link:

    Thank you,

    Dave Herron & Will Babbington – AIA National Representatives for ASHRAE 90.1.

    William Babbington AIA
    Studio NYL Inc.
    Lakewood CO