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Are you "good enough for government work"? Find out by attending a free webinar to learn about 21st Century Public Work

  • 1.  Are you "good enough for government work"? Find out by attending a free webinar to learn about 21st Century Public Work

    Posted 08-30-2023 06:11 PM

    The Public Architects committee is happy to offer a free, live online webinar on 13 September 2023 at 2pm ET, which will feature Sarah Felton (Deputy Director of Office of Planning), Susan Goldfischer (Deputy General Counsel) and Betsy Isenstein (Director of Energy and Sustainability) of the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance.  Come and learn about MA Capital Planning, Designer Procurement and Carbon Goals:

     Sept. 13 | Capital Planning, Designer Procurement, and Carbon Goals: 21st Century Strategies for Operating State Owned Facilities | AIAU  

    I've provided the description and learning objectives below and would love to know if you have any questions that you would like the speakers to address.  And please feel free to share with your colleagues!


    The Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) will present an overview of our agency including recent and current projects and upcoming opportunities for the design and construction community. Learn more about the range of State-owned buildings that require periodic design services and our designer procurement processes and our strategic approach to the Commonwealth's primary goals of decarbonization and equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our projects. About DCAMM: The Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM), an agency within the Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F) is responsible for capital planning, major public building construction, facilities management, and real estate services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. DCAMM oversees the Commonwealth's capital assets, totaling over 65 million square feet. The agency manages over $2 billion in capital projects, working with state agencies on the full cycle of their strategic facility needs. DCAMM directly manages 5.5 million square feet of state buildings, and for those buildings not managed by DCAMM, they assist client agencies using comprehensive and cost-effective maintenance and management strategies and standards.​

    Learning objectives:

    • ​Understand the broad structures around the oversight of state owned facilities within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.​
    • ​Become familiar with the different methodologies of designer procurement for a broad range of DCAMM projects​
    • ​Learn about DCAMM's initiatives to meet the carbon goals of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts​
    • ​Learn about DCAMM's initiatives for increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all stages of projects from procurement through design and construction.​

    Ludmilla Pavlova-Gillham AIA
    University of Massachusetts
    Amherst MA