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A'23 Practice Management Lunch

  • 1.  A'23 Practice Management Lunch

    Posted 06-05-2023 06:34 PM

    A'23 is just a few days away. If you haven't already done so, register for the PMKC Lunch. (EV317). Friday June 9 from noon - 2pm.

    The speakers are Ricardo Álvarez-Díaz (FAIA) and Cristina Villalón, of AD&V®- a leading architectural and design firm with offices in Puerto Rico and Florida, known for their groundbreaking approach to business and practice management trends. In this session, we will delve into the unique aspects that define AD&V® and make them stand out in the industry.

    AD&V® has consistently been at the forefront of the architectural and design landscape, constantly pushing boundaries and redefining industry norms. This session will explore their remarkable journey and shed light on their innovative practices that have made a significant impact on their team, their families, the communities their projects serve, Puerto Rico, and beyond.

    Through insightful discussions and real-world examples, we will uncover AD&V®'s unique strategies for success, as well as the lessons they have learned from their innovative endeavors. Attendees will gain insights into how to adapt to emerging trends in the architectural and design industry and navigate the ever-changing landscape of business and practice.

    Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of an engaging session that celebrates innovation, creativity, and the limitless possibilities that arise from embracing new approaches in architecture and design.

    Cyrus Rivetna, AIA
    Founder & Principal
    Rivetna Architects Inc
    Chicago IL