Regional and Urban Design Committee

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The Regional and Urban Design Committee (RUDC) aims to improve the quality of the regional and urban environment by promoting excellence in design, planning, and public policy in the built environment. This will be achieved through its member and public education, in concert with allied community and professional groups. Join us!

2024 Symposium

The 2024 symposium will be held in Indianapolis, IN in November. Stay tuned for dates and location. Registration will open in July.

2023 RUDC Symposium

The RUDC Symposium, held in Washington, DC October 19-20, covered emerging trends, theories, and technologies that are shaping the future of regional and urban design. Watch the engaging highlight and speaker videos >.

Sex, Bathrooms and Architecture

  • 1.  Sex, Bathrooms and Architecture

    Posted 04-27-2016 04:54 PM

    North Carolina's week of bathroom talk escalated into a civil rights issue of sorts prompting input from divergent authorities such as Bruce Springsteen, the Deutsche Bank, Paypal, Pepsi and many others.. It brought to light just how sensitive Puritan America is about the space that is elsewhere simply called the toilet.

     All the talk about who uses which "water closet" or WC (a European term) and when, and whose privacy needs to be protected and how, elicited clarifications from high up that only made  matters worse but also served as a stark reminder of how complicated bathroom matters are and how torn folks are between talk and taboo.

    In an increasingly sex-positive culture, it seems like bathroom issues are the last thing most people are reluctant to talk about.(Julie Beck, Atlantic 4-16-2014)It is no surprise, then, that this most private of spaces not only plays an important role in politics but also in architecture. In fact, without fanfare, the bathroom and the toilet are a central tenet of the architect's design practice. People who learned drafting by hand recall entire templates devoted to toilets, sinks, urinals. CAD libraries with endless variations of sizes and shapes are the modern versions of those templates. A fecund body of regulations and literature is devoted to the bathroom regulating the number of stalls per gender, the position of the vanity mirrors, horizontal and vertical controls for sink and toilet, scald guards on pipes and, of course the famous 5' turning circle for accessibility. Those many rules have made the bathroom into one of the most fertile grounds for litigation and professional liability.  But architects also take inspirations from those interstitial spaces that have been lurking in dark spaces of buildings.

    The famous Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas devoted a special exhibit at the Venice Architecture Biennale to the dark...

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    Community Architect: Sex, Bathrooms and Design

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    Community Architect: Sex, Bathrooms and Design
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    Nikolaus Philipsen FAIA
    Archplan Inc. Philipsen Architects
    Baltimore MD
    24.04.30 RUDC AIAU