Housing and Community Development

Visitability in the United States 

09-18-2013 04:54 PM

This webinar is part of a series sponsored by the Housing Knowledge Community.

This presentation is designed to educate design professionals, government officials, and advocates on visitability and related initiatives that support the development of single-family housing with basic access for people with disabilities. The presentation will give participants a basic understanding of the concept of visitability, provides good practice examples and cost estimates for visitable features, and describes advocacy strategies for developing visitability policies in local communities. The presentation provides a summary of the IDeA Center’s evidence-based research that supports the development of visitabile homes and inclusive neighborhoods. The research included a literature review, demographic analysis, cost comparisons, and surveys of aging adults, as well as a survey of the local and regional governments that have adopted visitability measures. The presentation will also briefly discuss our related laboratory research on the functional abilities of people with mobility disabilities with respect to their spatial requirements, turning abilities, and reach capabilities.

Register now for the December 2, 2013 webinar. Attend and earn 1 AIA LU.

Visit this page closer to the date of the webinar to download a PDF of the presentation. Visit this page after the webinar to view a recording of the webinar and download a copy of the Q&A.

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